Posts by tag: quantum computing

What's holding us back from quantum computing?

What's holding us back from quantum computing?

So, my tech-savvy comrades, let's dive into the quantum pool, shall we? Quantum computing's playing hard to get, and it's partly because the technology is as delicate as a soufflé in a rock band's tour bus. We're also grappling with 'quantum decoherence' - imagine trying to herd a bunch of super-excited kittens, all running around in different directions, yeah, it's like that! Plus, these quantum computers need to chill - literally. They require extreme cold, like, 'polar-bear-in-a-snowstorm' kind of cold, and that's a bit tricky to handle. So, here we are, facing these challenges, but hey, who doesn't love a good tech-quest, right?

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Is China ahead of the US in Quantum computing now?

Is China ahead of the US in Quantum computing now?

I recently came across a fascinating topic: is China ahead of the US in quantum computing now? After doing some research, it seems that China has indeed made significant progress in the field, investing heavily in research and development. However, the US is still a major player in quantum technology and is not far behind. It's difficult to determine which country is truly ahead, as both continue to make advancements. So, while China's progress is impressive, I wouldn't say they have surpassed the US just yet.

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